What are The Erectile Dysfunction Cause and How Erectile Dysfunction Be Treated?

Cause Of Erectile Dysfunction

There are a number of factors that give rise to erectile dysfunction and these are:


This is one of the main reasons for the cause of ED. Men who suffer from diabetes, are twice or even thrice as likely to suffer from ED, as compared with men who do not have diabetes. And this could begin as earlier as 10 or 15 years. But this risk of getting ED can be lowered, by controlling the blood sugar. ED can be brought about by any condition that restricts the flow of blood from taking place in the body. This is inclusive of conditions such as kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).


Choices made with regards to ones lifestyle, also contribute a lot to ED being caused. Drug use disorder, heavy drinking and smoking could bring about severe damage to the blood vessels and thus reduce the blood flow taking place to the penis. Doing little or no exercise or being overweight, can also increase the chances of getting ED. Studies reveal that men who exercise on a regular basis, stand a lesser chance of getting erectile dysfunction.


Surgery, which is inclusive of treatment for BPH, bladder cancer or prostate cancer, could at times result in damage being caused to blood vessels and nerves that are located near to the penis. If this treatment is permanent, for a man to get an erection, surgery is required. However, in some instances, ED brought about as a result of surgery is only temporary and it gets better by itself, within 6 to 18 months. 


ED could also be as a result of side effects brought about as a result of taking certain kinds of medicines such as antidepressants and blood pressure drugs. In case you feel that some over-the-counter drug or some prescription that you are taking is causing erectile dysfunction, you need to talk to your physician. It is important that you take note that unless and until you talk to your doctor, do not stop taking your medicine.


It is true that as you get older, the chances of you suffering from ED are higher. But, it does not mean that ED is only brought about by physical reasons. ED can be as a result of things taking place in your head too. According to the opinions of experts, ED can also be brought about because of performance anxiety, stress, low self-esteem and depression. And the bigger problem is, if the cause of ED is physical, these factors only contribute to ED being worse than it already is.


Bicycling is not at all one of the recommended erectile dysfunction exercises. Studies reveal that hard core bicyclists have a far greater chance of suffering from erectile dysfunction, as compared to other athletes. This is because there are some seats of bicycles which put a great amount of pressure on the perineum. The perineum is an area that lies between the scrotum and the anus. This area is filled with nerves and arteries that play a vital role in sexual arousal. Cycling for many hours, continuously, damages these arteries and nerves and gives rise to ED. The solution for bicyclists who bicycle many hours every week, lies in getting a bicycle seat that is designed for the protection of the perineum area.

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

There are various erectile dysfunction treatments that are available and these are inclusive of:

Lifestyle Changes

With a few changes in your lifestyle, it could be possible for you to bring about an improvement to your sex life. You can improve your flow of blood by exercising regularly, losing weight and not smoking. If you feel that you are taking a certain drug that is causing you to suffer from erectile dysfunction, you need to talk to a physician about putting you on another drug or whether adjusting the dose of the drug you are on, could work.

Oral Medications

There are a number of world class oral erectile dysfunction medicine that are available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and some of these can be got right here. These world class drugs are Tadarise, Avana, Suhagra, Fildena 100, Avaforce, Malegra 100, Cenforce, Vidalista, Tadalista, Vigora 100, Kamagra and Filagra. Men all over the globe use these drugs, much to their satisfaction, as they get erections that are very hard, letting them have simply mind blowing sex, for long hours! And the great news for you is that you can get these drugs right here - and they will be delivered right to your doorstep by us – www.himsedpills.com, no matter where you are in the world! All of these oral medications work by increasing the flow of blood to the penis, when a man is sexually aroused. In general, these pills need to be taken 30 – 60 minutes before wanting to have sex and they can only be taken once in 24 hours. Tadalafil can be taken up to 36 hours before having sex and it can also be got in a lower dose, which can be taken every day. For the purposes of safety, all of these pills need a nod from your doctor.


Though pills are a great way to treat erectile dysfunction and men all over the globe use them and get very strong hardons, it is possible that some men could get stronger hardons, by injecting a drug straight into their penis.  These drugs work by widening the blood vessels and in this way, the penis gets filled with blood and becomes hard and erect. Another option that is available here is to put a medicated pellet, into the opening end of the penis. This pellet can give a hardon within as fast as 10 minutes.

Vacuum Devices

Pumps or vacuum devices are another option used in the Treatment of Erectile dysfunction. The penis has to be placed within a cylinder and a pump has to be used to draw out the air. In this way, around the penis, a partial vacuum is created. In this method, so as to be able to maintain the erection to have sex, around the base of the penis, an elastic band needs to be worn.


If there is a blocked artery that leads to the penis, which is the cause of ED, the flow of blood can be restored by doing surgery. Surgery is a good way of dealing with ED, for men who are under the age of 30. But for older men, where the narrowing of arteries is extensive, surgery is not recommended by doctors.


Penile implants can help men have sex, if they have long term erectile dysfunction.  In implants that are inflatable, two cylinders are used, which can be fully pumped with pressurized fluid. In a malleable implant, rods are used and these rods let the man adjust the position of his penis.


Psychotherapy can help a lot, even though the cause of ED is physical. From a therapist, couples can learn various techniques which can help them in improving intimacy and reducing performance anxiety. With therapy, couples can also learn to adjust and use implants and vacuum devices also some natural remedy to cure ED.

Alternative Therapies

There are a number of supplements that are available for treating erectile dysfunction, but before you use them, you first need to consult a physician. Supplements could have 10 or more ingredients in them and as such, other aspects of one’s health could worsen, because of this. There are some men who state that there are alternative treatments which they use, which help them to get hardons and keep these hardon. But, these are not recommended by doctors, as their long term safety is not known.

Beware Buyers

By doing a search on the World Wide Web, one can find loads and loads of dietary supplements, that stake claim to be highly effective in the treatment of ED Cenforce 100. But it has been strictly warned by the FDA, that most of these are not at all what they claim to be. Many of these even contain ingredients that are not even listed on the label and these can cause severe problems if a man is taking certain medicines and these unlisted ingredients in these dietary supplements react wrongly with them.

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